Do You Have A Raccoon In The Attic?
Raccoons in your attic are not just annoying, but dangerous. Raccoon droppings are a biological hazard to you and your family, due to the high instance of a parasite called Baylisascaris procyonis also known as Raccoon Roundworm. This is a roundworm that can cause extremely serious diseases in people.
Young And Old Beware
For children and the elderly, as well as those with weakened immune systems, exposure to this roundworm can be fatal.
Most humans are exposed through direct or indirect contact with raccoon scat (poop), which contains millions of roundworm eggs. Though the roundworms themselves can’t survive outside of an animal host, their eggs are extremely tough and can remain viable for years. So people can come into contact with old and decomposed raccoon droppings, or even the dirt where it once was, and become very ill.
What Are The Symptoms?
For people, exposure symptoms include nausea, skin irritation, fatigue, confusion, loss of coordination and muscle control, as well as liver enlargement, blindness and coma.
Get Help Fast!
So if you think there might be wildlife residing in your attic or near your home, call an expert to catch the animals and clean up the mess. Nuisance Willdlife Removal technicians are Florida’s rodent and wildlife control experts, and are known as the Tampa Wildlife Removal specialists. We are true technicians, not just animal trappers.
CALL 866-263-WILD (9453)