How to Prevent Mole Infestations in the First Place!
In order to prevent mole infestations in the first place, one must understand why the moles are there. First of all a moles’ main source of food is worms. So you must make your yard most unfriendly and inhospitable as possible to worms, and subsequently moles. To do this, you can use products that control worms, grubs and insects in the lawn so that Mr mole does not have any food sources at your place, and will have to keep moving on! Also, moles and worms like a softer, and damp earth so avoid OVER-WATERING your lawn. A deep watering once a week should be enough to keep your lawn going strong without laying out the welcome matt for moles. So, what else can I do?
To prevent moles from getting into specific areas of your yard and garden, there are a couple things you can do.
Many professionals recommend installing metal mesh hardware cloth down as far as 2′ vertically plus adding 6 inches more above the ground. Also since moles prefer a less dense earth, bury rocks around your special flower beds down to 2 feet to prevent them from being able to make their way down into the grass!
If you are not a professional wildlife control specialist, you should also check local regulation prior to beginning trapping. If mole trapping is banned in your state, you must seek other alternatives. Be especially carefully using any poison or rodenticide as the accidental number of poisonings for pets and children has been on the increase lately, according to Consumer
Would you like help with your mole problem? Call today to talk with a trusted professional. For a free evaluation call 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

Since the tunneling of moles will destroy the roots of your grass, the ridges will then brown quickly. The sooner that you can stop the tunneling of the moles, the less damage that they can cause.
Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc is very well known in the community as the GO-TO expert with the highest experience level in solving difficult nuisance infestations efficiently and easily. We employ advanced technology such as Thermographic cameras and Go-pro technology. This reduces the amount of damage to your structure and this can reduce the overall cost of your project!
Worried about Moles? Call 1-866-263-WILD today!
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To read our post: FUN FACTS ABOUT MOLES – click here.
To read our post: Do I Have Moles in My Yard? – click here