I didn’t know there was a season for bats!

Bat removal: Humane Wildlife Removal and Control Experts.

Call (866)-263-WILD 24/7 and speak with a trusted professional. Licensed, Insured and Certified.

Bat season is about to close.

Bats inside an attic.
Bats inside an attic.

These night-flyers are not typically a danger to humans. In fact, they are quite beneficial when it comes to their appetite for insects, like mosquitoes that pose a much greater health risk to us. The problems occur when they are attracted to people’s homes and businesses. Our technicians are trained in the biology and habits of these nocturnal animals, and can execute bat removal safely.

Don’t attempt to discourage these beneficial predators from nesting by blocking up entry points by yourself, especially during maternity season. If trapped, they will try to escape, and can wind up in your living space. Trapped adults and their nestlings can die, and leave a terrible, lingering odor. Property owners should never attempt to handle them on their own – it is always better to call a trained bat removal service to handle it for you.

Our service professionals can come out to your property and assess the problem quickly and efficiently. We can find where they are gaining access, and advise you on how to address structural issues, such as loose fixtures, gaps where water may be present, or holes that are allowing access to attics.

If you act quickly, before the exclusion period begins, these gaps and structural issues can be addressed. If you wait, you will have to wait until fall in order to block access. Give us a call for a free estimate today!

Bat Season Opens… Free Bat Removal Estimates

Bat Removal in Lakewood Ranch, Sarasota, Fishhawk, Lithia

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Our phones have been starting to “ring'” off the hook with: ” HELP, I HAVE BATS!” With the juvenile bats starting to take flight homeowners will be noticing more and more bat activity, and those that noticed it before will be saying; ” IT’S TIME, CAN YOU PLEASE DO SOMETHING, NOW!.”  Well YES you can, just give us a call and we will get you scheduled for a inspection. We offer full service  Bat Exclusions, including the removal of the bats thru an exclusion process, sealing of their entry points and clean-up of the guano that they have left behind.
We are taking appointments now and would love to give your property a FREE Bat inspection. This way when the season opens you will be ahead of the “rush” and have your date secured.

Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your home. 866-263-WILD or 729-2103.