What are Muscovy Ducks Used For?
Muscovy drakes are commercially crossed with mallard-derived hens
40-60% of birds are raised only for their meat production
They grow fast like Mallards but to a large size like muscovy ducks
The Muscovy duck is a large duck that is native to Mexico, Central and South America. In the United States, there are small wild and feral breeding populations that are well established. Mostly in Florida and the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. There are even feral muscovy ducks found in New Zealand, Australia and Europe.
There are new regulations from the US Fish and Wildlife Service that adds Muscovy ducks to the list of federally protected native birds. However, they are native only to southern Texas and are considered invasive in all other states. That could result in open season on the ducks in Florida and elsewhere.
How long do Muscovy Ducks live?
Whether they are wild or domesticated Muscovy ducks typically live for 7-8 years. They seem to be resistant to the majority of diseases. The exception is that Avian influenza leads to a 100% mortality rate.
How do I catch muscovy ducks?
If the nuisance ducks are accustomed to being fed, you can often bait them in and get close enough to capture them by net. Traps can be made of welded wire and baited with corn. Muscovy ducks can be removed by trappers for a fee. Remember, according to the FWC, it is a violation of Federal regulations to release the captured birds.
For more information about nuisance muscovy duck removal or a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103 tap to call on mobile. We are your local experts for humane and technologically advanced muscovy duck removal, custom bird deterrents or bird removal and nest relocation services.
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[…] This requires revision of regulations governing permit exceptions for captive bred migratory waterfowl other than mallard ducks, and waterfowl sale and disposal permits, and the addition of an order to allow control of Muscovy ducks, their nests, and eggs. This agency has also rewritten the affected regulations to make them easier to understand. DATES: This rule will be effective on March 31, 2010. So you may be wondering, are Muscovy Ducks Protected? Click here to read more about it. […]