Did you know that there are 2 types of vultures that you are most likely to see in the state of Florida? They are the turkey vulture and the black vulture.
Do you have a nuisance bird problem? For more information and a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE in Lakewood Ranch, Bradenton, Sarasota or surrounding areas, please Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103. We are your expert for humane and technologically advanced nuisance bird deflection and removal.
Turkey vultures have a huge 6-foot wingspan and they catch thermals high in the sky. They soar with their wings in what is called a dihedral shape which is a shallow V and often will teeter totter back and forth or side to side. They have long shapes that look like fingers on the ends of their wings. While the front edge of the wings is black and the color gradients out into a light grey out to whit-ish. If you can see them up close, you will detect their bald reddish head.
When it comes to the black vulture, the easiest part to pick out that is different is the color of the feathers. On the black, only the tips of the wings are white-ish grey. Also, they hold their wings more straight across rather than level, so you will not observe the teeter-tottering that you would in the turkey. Also their tale is significantly more stubby. If you ever see the black and the turkey vulture cruising around together, the black’s wingspan is an easy foot shorter than the turkey’s. If you see them closer you will discover the black has a bald black head. and white legs.

Many times these birds can become nuisance animals. Particularly out in open ranges where there are structures or in suburban developments. Since they are creatures of habit– many birds will flock together and just return to the same dwellings and structures if there is food nearby. That is when you may need the skills of a nuisance wildlife control professional.
For more information or a FREE ESTIMATE on nuisance bird eradication, please call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103 and speak with a trusted professional. We would like to be your local expert and learn about your current situation. Call us now! We specialize in humane wildlife trapping and we take pride in using the most advanced technology which is the least invasive to you and your property.