Read more North Sarasota Bat Trapping and Removal [News Blog] Ultra Rare Bat Found
Read more North Sarasota Bat Trapping and Removal [News Blog] Ultra Rare Bat Found
It’s time to evict your uninvited bat guests! Bat maternity season begins April 15th and runs through August 15th. Exclusions of bat colonies must be completed before maternity season arrives. What happens is, bats will be giving birth to their young. From that time forward, until the young bats can fly on their own and feed themselves. It is not legal to exlude bats out of buildings during maternity season This is in order to prevent any young bats that can not yet fly from– getting stuck and trapped inside structures and dying.
The state of Florida claims 13 resident species, including the threatened species: Florida bonneted bat. There are some bats that roost in not natural structures such as inside of homes or buildings. It is not legal to harm or kill bats in Florida, there are guidelines that have been developed allowing for bats to be excluded as long as it is not during maternity season.
Bats are very important to our ecosystem. The native bats help keep insects in check. They keep mosquitoes and other bugs at bay for residents who want to enjoy the outdoors. The value of bats to the agricultural industry is estimated in the billions of dollars.
Read more April 15th Marks the Start of Florida’s Bat Maternity Season
Oftentimes people get unnerved by a bat that they find stranded in their home. You see, bats follow the flow of air currents. However, no matter where you find a bat in your home, it is never fun. You should know, that to find a bat in your home is fairly common. It is interesting to note that a colony of bats can get substantial in size, but even so, they sleep all day long. As a result they can stay well hidden from you and well under your radar. But the mystery doesn’t have to end there.
It is true that bats mostly prefer to have roosting places up high like in an attic. However, on occasion a bat will follow an air current into a vent or wall cavity looking for a place to sleep or an alternate way to escape. Bats can be found in attics, bedrooms, offices or anywhere there is a ventilation duct to use as a through way.
Although bats do not make a lot of sound during the day, they will leave their roosting place in the evening to feed. Typically you would hear sounds of fluttering, scratching or small squeeking noises like this at dusk or at dawn. This occurs when they are exiting or returning to roost. One other time is if there is a loud sound in the home, like a door slamming, as this might disturb them while they are sleeping. Otherwise- you might not even know they are there and a whole colony could be living inside of walls in the home.
Bats keep the same routines. They will roost in the same locale year after year. As they enter and exit a building, bats will leave guana droppings on the entrance to their roosting place each night. Over time these will accumulate and typically could be seen for example, on a porch area, wall, windowsill or open vented area. Whatever place that the bats are entering your home.
Guano is similar to mouse feces only larger. It is suggested that you inspect your attic windows for droppings that are evident. As well as being on the look out for any possible entry points ie openings where the creatures could be getting in and out. More than likely it will be up high, but if you have a good number of bats the guano will be fairly obvious.
Nuisance Wildlife Removal Inc is a locally and family-owned business that has been operating in Manatee and Sarasota county for 20 years. We are the REAL experts with the LONG TERM experience that can save you from other’s costly mistakes! Don’t trust your home or budget to a new guy on the block. Call today and speak with a trusted professional.
By Katie Langin
Wildlife biologists have put drones to work counting whales, checking bird nests, and nabbing poachers. Now, they’ve designed a drone that can hover within fast-flowing swarms of bats as they zip across a darkened nighttime sky.
The drone—or “Chirocopter” (named after Chiroptera, the scientific name for bats)—is equipped with a microphone to record echolocation chirps (sounds that bats use to navigate) and a thermal camera that can “see” bats by detecting their body heat. Similar technology has been used to record bats from the ground and from towers, but the Chirocopter has an advantage because it can be placed anywhere in 3D space, the team reports this month in Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Case in point: The team deployed a Chirocopter outside a cave in New Mexico that is home to about 800,000 Brazilian free-tailed bats. Just before dawn, the bats form dense aggregations and return to the cave along a chaotic aerial “freeway” at speeds exceeding 100 kilometers an hour. The team maneuvered the Chirocopter to hover in the middle of the fast-flowing swarm for 84 minutes at heights ranging from 5 meters to 50 meters—and there were so many bats that the scientists recorded 46 echolocation chirps per minute.
The researchers hope that after returning to the cave to get more footage and recordings, they’ll be able to figure out how the fast-flying mammals avoid colliding with one another. Chirocopters could also be put to work in other places to study how bats move around wind turbines and other human-made structures. (No bats were harmed in the testing of this technology—they all swerved to avoid collision with the Chirocopter.)
Guano is similar to mouse feces only larger. It is suggested that you inspect your attic windows for droppings that are evident. As well as being on the look out for any possible entry points ie openings where the creatures could be getting in and out. More than likely it will be up high, but if you have a good number of bats the guano will be fairly obvious.
Nuisance Wildlife Removal Inc is a locally and family-owned business that has been operating in Manatee and Sarasota county for 20 years. We are the REAL experts with the LONG TERM experience that can save you from other’s costly mistakes! Don’t trust your home or budget to a new guy on the block. Call today and speak with a trusted professional.
One of the more interesting Marvel superheroes is Daredevil, a character who is blinded as a child, but who is able to sense the world around him because his other senses – most notably his hearing – improve to compensate for his disability.
As it turns out, this super power is more real than you might think. According to a new study from Durham University, there are humans who really can use echolocation, just like a bat, in order to see objects in their path based on sound waves that bounce off them.
While this is a power that, theoretically, many people can develop, at present, most of us don’t really have a reason to try. After all, those of us who can see will naturally rely on our eyes rather than attempting to learn echolocation. For some blind people, though, this skill is a fabulous help in everyday life, and it now has some scientific backing which suggests it works.
Participants of the study were self-professed echolocation masters; people who claim to have the ability to see by clicking and instinctively listening to the way sounds bounce around. To test that, these participants were placed within a sound-proof testing environment, with a 7 inch (17.5 centimeter) disc placed somewhere in the room. The participants were then asked to locate the disc using only their “super powers”.
Surprisingly this worked, albeit it depended on where the disc was placed within the room. It turns out that human echolocation is designed specifically for picking objects that are in a person’s way; when the disc was placed immediately in front of the participants, they were able to immediately locate it 100% of the time. This percentage dropped to 80% of the time if the object was slightly behind them, and 50% if it was directly behind their backs.
While this laboratory setting is very different to the outside world, it’s clear that something unusual is going on – just as bats bounce audio waves off their surroundings in order to scan around themselves, humans can produce clicks to orient themselves and spot potential hazards. Unlike bats, we’re not able to spin our ears around to take in a wide angle of sounds, and our hearing is nowhere near as that of other animals, but we can genuinely learn this skill.
Their research adds credibility to a claim often made by Daniel Kish, who presented a TED talk in 2015 where he discussed how he uses echolocation to navigate the world. Kish lost his sight at a young age, and in relearning to navigate the world, he instinctively began clicking as a way of helping himself get a sense of his surrounding area.
Kish is now so good at this technique that he can perform extraordinary feats, such as riding a bike, solely by relying on his echolocation.
It seems that for those who truly need it, this super power is real. Which is good to know, not least because this information may help to change people’s perceptions of the disabled. Kish is an advocate of finding ways to help blind people become more involved in society so that they’re seen not as needy recipients of charity, but equal contributors who are capable of helping just as much as they receive help.
With any luck, this new paper will help to champion that cause.
Need a bat trapping in Lakewood Ranch, FL or elsewhere in Manatee/Sarasota County?
Bats can gain entry to homes and businesses by squeezing through hard to detect gaps and holes in rooflines, HVAC systems and foundations. Bats, mice and squirrels breed and contaminate food and building surfaces quickly.
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Bats and other wild animals should be removed from your home or business property by a licensed and insured wildlife management professional. Bat guano contaminates attic insulation and other building surfaces with mold spores and other toxic microbes. Wild animal droppings and urine are known causes of lung infections and other respiratory ailments.
A bat colony can take possession of an attic overnight. The guano, not to mention the many health concerns, can really pile up quickly. Guano and urine can also cause disagreeable stains and odors on sidewalks and other building surfaces. Call a professional wildlife management expert today for bat removal Sarasota.
Health Risks Bats
• Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection that thrives in bat guano. The infection can cause serious respiratory ailments. The elderly, young children, people with immunity disorders and asthma sufferers are also at risk for developing meningitis. Common symptoms include chills, fever, chest pain, cough, mouth sores, neck stiffness, shortness of breath, rashes, skin lesions and skin nodules. Scarring in the chest area may also cause complications involving blood vessels, heart, esophagus and lymph nodes.
• Rabies is a potentially fatal disease. If you are bitten by a wild animal, you should seek immediate medical attention. Don’t wait for the symptoms of rabies to appear. Bat bites are extremely small and difficult to detect. The rabies virus infects the central nervous system and brain.
• Mites depend on wild animals and other living hosts for their sustenance. Many people make the mistake of assuming that mites are actually bed bugs. Even professional exterminators fail to properly identify the little buggers. Make sure you consult a knowledgeable pest control professional if you experience a bat infestation. Treating a residence or business for bedbugs will not eliminate disease carrying mites.
Bat Removal Sarasota
Call a local wildlife management company to deal effectively with health risks bats. A wildlife control specialist can remove bats and all other wild animal species, decontaminate building surfaces and seal your home or business to prevent the problem from reoccurring. Only a wildlife removal expert can humanely trap and relocate bats and other legally protected animal species.
Need a bat trapping in Lakewood Ranch, FL or elsewhere in Manatee/Sarasota County?
Bats can gain entry to homes and businesses by squeezing through hard to detect gaps and holes in rooflines, HVAC systems and foundations. Bats, mice and squirrels breed and contaminate food and building surfaces quickly.
Check out our Animal FAQs from our customers!
HealthDay Reporter – by Robert Preidt
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 7, 2018 (HealthDay News) — New insights into what gives one bat species a long life span could offer clues to helping people live longer, scientists say.
European researchers analyzed DNA from about 500 wild bats from four species. Their focus was on telomeres, the protective structures on the end of chromosomes.
In humans and most other animals, telomeres shorten with age, causing aging-related breakdown of cells that lead to tissue deterioration and ultimately death.
That’s not the case with Myotis, the longest-lived species of bat. Compared to the other bat species, telomeres in this mouse-eared bat don’t shorten with age, according to the study authors.
To determine how these little brown bats maintain their telomeres, the researchers examined the animals’ genomes — their complete set of genes. The researchers compared them with those of 52 other mammals, focusing on 225 genes associated with the maintenance of telomeres.
“Our results suggest that long-lived bats have evolved better mechanisms to prevent and repair age-induced cellular damage,” said study senior author Emma Teeling.
In particular, two genes — ATM and SETX — may drive this, said Teeling, a professor at University College Dublin in Ireland.
It appears that the bats may have evolved a unique process to lengthen their chromosomes without inducing cancer, she noted in a university news release.
Teeling said these are new results “that we need to further explore to uncover how bats can remain healthy as time passes.”
The findings are the first step in understanding the molecular mechanisms behind this bat species’ long life spans, according to the researchers. They hope they’ll eventually point to ways to slow aging in humans and extend human life spans.
The findings were published Feb. 7 in the journal Science Advances.
Nuisance Wildlife Removal Inc is fully licensed and insured. We are a locally and family-owned business that has been operating in Manatee and Sarasota county for 20 years. We are the REAL experts with the long term EXPERIENCE that can save you from costly mistakes. Don’t trust your home or budget to a new guy on the block. Call today to speak with a trusted professional. 1-866-263-WILD!
Researchers from the Panama-based Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) first came across the Freeman’s dog-faced bat inside abandoned wooden houses in the town of Gamboa in 2012. Over the course of five nights, the team captured 56 bats using specialized mist nets, took their measurements, then released them. They also recorded the bats’ calls and collected one individual that had died.
At the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) in Washington, D.C, the scientists compared their field observations, including DNA, sound recordings and body measurements of the bats, with existing museum collections from across the Americas and Europe, and confirmed that the bat was new to science. They named it Freeman’s dog-faced bat after Patricia Freeman, a bat specialist currently at the University of Nebraska State Museum of Natural History.
“We were very lucky to catch several different individuals of this species in mist nets and to record their calls,” Thomas Sattler, who was one of the team members in Panama at the time of collection, told Smithsonian Insider. “Knowing their species-specific echolocation calls may make it possible to find them again in the future with a bat detector — without catching them—and to find out more about their distribution and habitat preferences.”
In fact, some STRI staff recently spotted pregnant females of the species in Gamboa in August 2017, and some young individuals the following month.
The Smithsonian team described the second new species — the slightly smaller Waorani dog-faced bat — from individuals collected by other naturalists and researchers from Ecuador’s rainforests. The team did not have any call recordings of the bats, so they confirmed its status by comparing the bats’ physical measurements and DNA with those of other museum specimens collected in Ecuador.
“Identifying two mammal species new to science is extremely exciting,” Ligiane Moras, lead author of the study who did part of this work as a fellow at NMNH, said in a statement.
by Mongabay
This is the time when fall arrives and Halloween is on the horizon. We start to see images of bats more frequently. Many people think that bats are scary and unpleasant creatures, however, bats are an important part of our ecology.
Bats are mammals and there are 1000 species of bats in the world. There are 40 species of bats in the United States. They are extremely diverse and range from a bumblebee bat which weighs less than a dime, to a flying fox whose wings span almost six feet!
One myth about bats is that not a single species is actually blind.
Bats can fly at top speeds of 100 miles per hour!
Bats are misconstrued as pests when they are a form of pest control. About 70% of all bats eat their weight in mosquitoes each night.
Bats are pollinators for numerous plants. For example, Tequila is made from blue agave, and that is exclusively pollinated by Mexican long-nosed bats.
Only 3 bat species out of 1200 consume blood. Only 1 of those consumes blood exclusively- that is the vampire bat. They feed mostly on livestock– they could feed from humans, but it is a rare occurrence. Vampire’s use infrared radiation that detects body heat and their saliva contains an anticoagulant to stop blood from clotting while still feeding. This compound called Draculin, is being explored for its potential to break down blood clots in its victims.
Bats are also very long-lived for their size. Some bats can live forty years so scientists are researching bats secret to longevity.
Got bats?
For more information and a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE in Lakewood Ranch, Bradenton, Sarasota or surrounding areas, please Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103. We are your expert for humane and technologically advanced bat trapping and removal.
Nuisance Animal Removal Experts: Available 24/7 – Call 1-866-263-WILD and speak with a trusted professional! Nuisance Wildlife Removal Inc. is fully licensed and insured.