Frequently Asked Questions – Bats
Over the years we have been asked a lot of questions regarding bats and how to control them. We thought we would address them so that everyone can benefit. We hope you find this reader-requested Q&A beneficial.
Why do we even needs Bats?
Bats, believe it or not are the world’s only true flying mammal. They are very beneficial and can eat their weight in insects, even those pesky mosquitos, in doing so they keep nature in balance.
When do bats become a problem?
Bats become a problem when they have found a way to take up residence within an occupied building or home. Bats are not beneficial when this happens, and they need to be dealt with by a professional ASAP.
Why did the bats pick my house?
Bats, just like all other animals, are opportunists. They are just looking for a safe place to roost just like humans. Bats usually pick a particular building because of structural maintenance defects (small holes, soffit damage, loose vents, loose roof tiles, etc.) providing them with easy entry.
Will the bats that are living in my home leave on their own?
No, once they have found a safe, dry, warm place to be sheltered and raise their young they see no reason why they should leave. They will only leave if forced to. This may be due to change in weather or if they are excluded by a professional animal removal company. Remember they are wild animals and they belong in the wild, not in your house, school, church or other building.
Why should I get rid of bats?
Bats can cause significant damage to both you and your property. They carry disease just like any other wild animal and their guano (droppings) does as well not to mention the fact they can and will bite you or your pets.
When is the best time to get rid of bats?
As soon as you have noticed that you are having an issue you should call a professional to come out an asses the situation. The longer bats occupy the area the more contaminates they are leaving behind. In Florida bats can only be removed from August15th – April 15th. The Summer months are closed season due to young being born.
Where do bats live?
Bats can live nearly everywhere people can live. Although they prefer a much warmer climate like that of attics, chimneys, wall, or high-rise office and apartment buildings. In nature they can usually be found in trees or caves. Bats are attracted to areas with especially mild climates and lots of insects.
Where do bats usually enter a building?
Generally through small gaps or cracks in the structure, these gaps are often less than an inch in diameter. The areas they choose are usually very high up due to the fact that they “drop” upon exiting at night, when they take flight.
How do I know if I have bats in/on/or around my home?
Sometimes it is as simple as you or a neighbor seeing them fly out of a particular area of your home at dusk. Other times you may notice what appears to be small black grains of rice on the ground or stuck to your exterior walls, this is guano (bat droppings which extreme caution should be used when trying to remove or clean). You may even have a foul odor or stench coming from one particular room, this would be from the guano in the attic, when the temperature rises it tends to make the smell stronger. More often than not, some people can hear them scampering about or even making the high pitched “chattering” that they do.
Where can I get help with my bat problem?
Since bats are protected and can only be excluded from a structure, not poisoned, trapped or removed, it is best that you call a professional to take care of the issue at hand. The last thing you want to happen is for bats to get sealed in and end up dead in your attic or walls. Not to mention that after the bats are gone you need to have the opening sealed and then their “mess” cleaned up to prevent health risks.