Do I have Moles in my Yard? [Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch]

How do I recognize mole activity in my lawn?


The two most common signs of mole activity are raised ridge areas in lawns and the typical molehill. If you see these on your lawn, you should call a professional service. If you wait, the problem will just intensify and become more complicated and more costly. Nuisance Wildlife Removal Inc. is your local expert for mole trapping and removal in Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch, Bradenton and surrounding areas. We can give you a free inspection and let you know if the issue is being caused by moles or not. The raised areas or ridges on the lawn, are caused by the moles tunneling through the lawn, just below the surface of the ground. The mole-hills that are shaped like a small mountain or cone are formed by the dirt that a mole digs out from creating his den and living chambers. If you see this in your lawn, it could be a sign that you have moles and need to have them trapped and removed. Below is a video that shows a mole tunneling close to the surface. You can see his movement and the trails his activity causes.


Big Problems that Moles Cause

Moles can truly be a big issue for the homeowner. Their tunneling can damage lawns and their root systems which cause the grass to dry out and die. The mole behavior can also kill roots of plants, flowers etc causing the plants to die or become damaged. Moles actively are in search of food day and night all year round. It is possible that a mole can tunnel up to 100 feet in one day – which is the equivalent of 15 feet per hour. This is why we recommend eradicating moles immediately– as soon as you see the onset of mole activity. The more tunnels that there are, the more traps that have to be set in order to locate the moles! 100 feet of tunnels in one day times 5 days= 500′ of tunnels… thats a LOT of traps!

Thank you for taking the time to read our post.

Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your property!

1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

For more information, visit our wildlife services page on moles here: Mole Removal Services

Feral Pig Removal – The TRUTH of the Matter re Jimmy Joe Bob and Lawsuits

Feral Pig Removal – The TRUTH of the Matter re Jimmy Joe Bob and Lawsuits

Want to talk to you today about feral pigs. Seems to be that we’re getting more and more calls all the time on them. It’s just a ongoing problem here in Florida. The more construction development that happens, the more these pigs are getting forced into neighborhoods and agricultural areas and such. And I just kinda wanted to talk a little bit about hiring someone to track pigs. Kind of guys with our “hiring a professional” series, and just some things to consider for property managers, home owners, and so on, so forth.

Here’s the lowdown: People want things cheap. I get it. I absolutely get it. You don’t want to have to spend money that we normally don’t have to. But here’s the downside of this: If you hire Jimmy Joe Bob in a pickup with a couple dogs and his crossbow or whatnot, it’s not safe, people. It’s not safe. It has liability run all over it. Because if that pig takes off, that dog doesn’t respect property lines or anything else. It’s not the way a professional does it. So we don’t compete with those guys. I’ll be honest with you, I all the time will, “I got so-and-so, they said they’ll come out and catch them for free.” Well, have at it. But make sure that your homeowner’s insurance, or your property insurance is up to date, and that you have plenty of coverage. Because if they accidentally misfire a bow and shoot a cow or a house or a person or a pet or whatever, or if their dog is chasing a hog and decides to get Fluffy, the neighbor’s dog instead … Or for goodness sakes, they’re walking through the yard and they hit your little sprinkler swell and twist their ankle and break their ankle. They’re gonna sue you because they ain’t got workman’s comp. They don’t have any of that.

Hiring these guys that have your “feral hog card” and their NWT number, which I believe is nonexistent at this point in time with fish and wildlife … It’s not good. It’s not a good way to do business. You need to protect yourself in this day and age. You need to make sure that they have liability insurance. Even if it’s a one-man show, make sure he has workman’s comp. He can sit there all day long and say, “Oh, I don’t need workman’s comp, I don’t have that many employees.” And that’s true, by law he doesn’t have to have workman’s comp, but it doesn’t protect the homeowner from him not having workman’s comp. If he gets hurt, he can still sue you. There’s no if, and’s, or buts about it.

For more information and a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103. We are your expert for humane and techno advanced feral pig/hog exclusion, trapping and removal in Bradenton, Parrish and surrounding areas.

Trust me, that guy is a construction worker by day, and he’s doing this hog removal at night with a couple of his buddies, and he goes and falls down and breaks his leg and he can’t go to work, and he can’t support his family or anything … And I’ve seen this happen, I saw this happen on an armadillo trap one time. And he can’t support his family or anything, that guy is gonna do whatever he has to do to support his family. And I don’t blame the guy for doing it, I really don’t. You gotta support your family, you gotta take care of them. But the way he’s gonna support his family is off of your insurance. He’s gonna sue your homeowner’s insurance for his broken leg and his loss of wages and all that stuff, and you’re gonna be sitting there with your jaw dropped down to the floor, saying, “How did this happen?” I’m telling you how it happens. 

When you hire professionals, hire professionals. Hire ones that are licensed, insured … And I’m talking insured all the way around. That they have commercial insurance on their vehicles, that they have a commercial liability policy in effect, and what the limits are. Don’t take anything less than a mil. I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t let anybody on my property for less than a mil liability. Because medical bills are outrageous. These doctors and hospitals, and I’m not beating them down, but it’s expensive. You know, if someone’s walking through your yard and they get hit by a rattlesnake, that’s a hundred grand right there. Rattlesnake bite, the average cost of treatment, $100,000.

Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your property. 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

So don’t be a victim trying to be cheap. Hire a professional that again, once again, has a million dollar policy for their liability. That they have commercial vehicle insurance. Because if they’re out with their private vehicle insurance and they run into your house accidentally or something or a barn or another car, whatever, and the insurance company finds out that they’re using it for commercial purposes and they’re not covered commercially, they’re not gonna pay it, and then you’re gonna be out. So commercial liability insurance, one mil. Commercial vehicle insurance, and worker’s comp. Worker’s comp is the most expensive one. And I’m gonna tell you, there’s very few of them out there that have it. Protect yourself. Protect your family, because if they sue you, and they go past the limits of your policy, they’re coming after you. And they don’t care if they take your car, your home, whatever they take. That lawyer is gonna take whatever he can to do.

So back to feral hog trapping. That’s the biggest part right there I wanted to get out, was just hire professionals that have all this, and don’t let them fool you on, “I don’t need workman’s comp, I’m exempt.” Because they might be exempt with the government, but they’re not exempt with suing you. Okay? Other thing is, hog work is not cheap. For professionals to come out and do it safely and efficiently, it takes a boatload of equipment, it takes a boatload of labor to get this stuff done right. And when you catch a hog, one guy going out jerking hogs out of traps ain’t safe. You really need two people. I mean there’s some guys out there can do it and I’ll give it to them, and they can do it safe. But the majority of people I seen out there trying to pull hogs out of traps, they need two people, I’ll be honest.

So it’s not cheap. It’s not cheap work. But the other hand is, the damage that these hogs are doing to lawns and agricultural property is not cheap either. You know, you get an inspector in there and they see that you’ve got hog feces in your crop for agricultural, let me tell you something. You just wasted that field, probably. I’ve heard of them coming and shutting down fields because of hog droppings out in the fields. You gotta be … They’re expensive. Hogs are expensive. They do expensive damage and they’re expensive to catch. But do it right, because going the cheap way is never, never, never the good way.

If you got any questions, 866-263-9453. Again that’s 866-263-WILD. Or hit us up on the web at Y’all take a listen to that and think about it. Is your family’s future worth losing over a hog problem? Hope you all have a good one, we’ll talk to you soon.


Get the Stink Out of Attics! [How to Remove Dead Animal Smell Bradenton]

How to Remove Dead Animal Smell [Bradenton]

How do we get rid of the smell?

A squirrel that has taken up residence in a homeowners attic.

Attics and wild animals do not get along well together. This results in the need for the wildlife to be removed, and then for the attic to be restored. It is highly important to make sure that there is some level of bio hazardous clean up from the animals who have resided, nested, urinated and left other waste material in the attic of your home.  The reason that you need to have an attic restored is that damage is caused that is so extensive by all various kinds of creatures. The nuisance animals that come, bring along parasites and insects too. If you want your attic to be healthy and clean of disease-causing contaminants you must eradicate the animal visitors and everything that came with them. If an animal has died in your attic, or anywhere else in your home, there will be a horrendous smell. This article will explain what we use in order to thoroughly easily remove the dead animal smell to get the stink out of your Bradenton home.

What has to happen first is the clean up.

All the insulation that has any animal waste or marked with urine will be removed. There is an inspection that takes place and detailed notes are written down of all damage and any areas of concern. This includes chewed wires, drywall damage, a/c ductwork, pipes, vents etc.

The next order is to decontaminate – this is a 2 step process.


We are proud of our non-toxic, non-alkaline, non-acid, biodegradable formula that disinfects. It is a liquid enzyme that produces triple acting bacteria with instant odor control.


We have a second formula which kills 99.99% of germs such as Streptococcus pyogenes (Strep), Escherichia coli (E.coli). Listeria, Staphyloccocus (Staph) and Klebsiella pheumoniae. It kills numerous other germs and also controls the growth of mold and mildew. It thoroughly gets rid of stains and also odors that cause a bad smell left behind from dead animals and their waste.

In essence, this kills and prevents the spread of residual bacteria, viruses, fungi and microbes.

Afterward, we will re-install the iinsulationback to its former R rating or better. We believe in quality insulation and will reccomend this because it will save you a tremendous money on energy bills.

After reading this you are bound to still have questions. They may be about attic restoration or about getting the stink out of your home. Please feel free to contact us @ 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103. Or send us a contact request here> We will get back with you very soon!

For more information and a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103. We are your expert for humane animal exclusion, trapping, removal and property restoration in Bradenton and surrounding areas. Thank you for patronizing our local family owned business.

Moles– What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Them?

Moles– What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Them?

Today I’d like to talk to you about moles. Eastern moles in yards, we get a lot of calls on them. They get up underneath the roots of a grass and they eat the young roots of the grass and plants. Their main feast is the grubs and earthworms, mostly grubs. I just wanted to talk a little bit about protecting your home from having moles, and what you should do if you do have them.

First thing we need to do is talk about preventing your yard from getting moles. Pretty simple thing is to treat your yard once a year with grub bait. Make sure that you treat it in a cooler part of the day where the sun’s not up, and put about 20 minutes of water on it. That’s going to prevent UV rays from tearing up the chemical, it’s going to get good and saturated into the ground.

Another thing you got to worry about is … I find a lot in these housing developments that there’s a swell between the two yards, and someone’s over watering. What happens is it makes it real moist, so these grubs are coming up to the top, the moles are getting in there, and so are the armadillos. You just got to treat these areas and watch your water conditions in those areas. We like recommending a chemical called trichlorfon, or Dylox. Bayer has it in a once a year grub bait, and that seems to work pretty good. About $20 a bag, a bag will do an average size lot in a housing development.

If you get moles, little bit of a different story. You’re going to need to trap the moles and get them out. Get those moles out, simply removing the food source once moles are established is not going to fix the problem. You need to not only [nich 00:02:43] the food source, but you need to nich the moles and get them trapped, and get them out. That’s a pretty effective way of doing it. Not real cheap, and the best thing I can tell you is, do not wait until they are a huge problem, thinking that one or two moles is going to go away. They’re not going to go away, and the more damage they do, the more damage your yard is going to have, and the more costly it’s going to be when you do call me to come out and get them. 

Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your home. [Fishhawk, Bradenton, Sarasota, Parrish other surrounding areas]  1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

A lot of times it gets in situations where we don’t even know where the moles are, because there’s so many mounds. So what we have to do is roll the yard, which is an added expense of taking a roller across the yard and smashing everything down, and then waiting a day or two to get these mole mounds to come back up and kind of get a location on where the moles are. Where we’re going in the yard are these feeding tunnels or these highway tunnels, and we have to get our bearings with that. A lot of times you incur a extra expense of rolling the yard if you’ve let it go too long.

Mole trapping is very labor intensive. You’re digging holes, into the burrows, into the tunnels, and placing traps in there so when you go to come back to check the traps, again you have to unbury them, check them, put the soil back on, and go like that. Very labor intensive, definitely costs more when more labor’s involved, so the quicker you get on it the quicker you’re going to cure a problem.

That’s about it. Dylox once a year, or trichlorfon. Pest control guy years ago, Don O’Brien, gave me that tip and it’s worked great ever since. Treat your yard with that once a year, that’s going to help prevent them. If you do get them then call us on the first onsights of them so you’re not spending more money trying to track down a whole bunch of different mole hills in your yard.

If you’d like for us to come out and give you a free estimate you can call us at 866-263-9453 or you can catch us on the web at Hope this helps, and check our other podcasts and videos for other helpful tips. Have a good one.

For more information and a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103.  You can speak with a trusted professional. We would like to be your local expert and learn about your current situation. Call us now. We are the experts for humane wildlife trapping and removal as well as full property restoration, in Fishhawk, Bradenton and surrounding areas. 


Black Snake Removal [Sarasota, FL]

If you encounter black snakes in Sarasota Florida or surrounding areas… Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your home. 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103. 

Here is a video of a recent situation where we were called about a snake problem.


Below are some facts about snakes and snake behavior that we thought you would find helpful.


The most valuable thing to know is that most snakes are not venomous and just about none of them are aggressive. So for the most part, a snake is not likely to come toward you intending to attack you.. (remember the rattle is your warning but they are not on the offensive here and not moving toward you at that point) Most snakes will leave a frightful scenario, some will hold their place however, if you leave them alone, they will also (most likely) leave you alone.


Common to all snakes is that they have no eyelids and they smell with their tongue. When they flick their tongue out, its as if they are tasting the air. Most snakes lay eggs but some give birth to live young. Snakes can not chew, so they swallow their food whole.


Many people have a fear of snakes. It can cause even adults to get up on chairs, trembling and visibly upset. Even if it is irrational, the fear is still very real for some people.  Even for those who do not have a full on phobia– snakes can still be very upsetting. Often it is due to lack of knowledge pertaining to snakes. Since many do not know which ones are venomous and which are not, they are alarmed around any snake.

For your handy information, feel free to review our page with info on all Venomous snakes in our immediate central Florida area.

Also, you may want to check out our other pages of important information on Black Racers vs Cottonmouths and Juvenile Black Racer vs Pygmy Rattlesnake.

For more information or a  FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE call us at 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103. We are experts at snake removal and have 20 years experience under our belt.  Thank you for supporting a local, family owned business.


What are Moles? [Lakewood Ranch Mole Trapper]

mole-removal-polk county
A mole who has come up from his tunnel into the daylight.

What are MOLES?

Moles live in the ground and prefer to eat insects as opposed to plants in your garden. But, the tunnels they create underground virtually CAN wreck your garden and/or your lawn as well. A side effect of mole damage is that this creates more easy access to your lovely garden for other rodents. If you suspect any mole damage in your yard in Lakewood Ranch feel free to get with us for a free estimate on trapping. Moles are sort of bizarre small creatures who have pointed muzzle, itty bitty eyes and a body strangely shaped similar to a baking potato. When they move– they use their front flipper-like feet to paw forward in a swimming motion, which parts the soil. They can be active year round in many climates, and usually get busy moving in the morning or evening. Also, if there has been a warm rain, you are likely to see them out and about.

Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your home. 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

A very distinct characteristic of the mole is their hairless and pointed nose or snout. Additionally, they have such small eyes and ears and those are hidden behind a layer of fur. They do not have external ears. Their front feet are large compared to their body with toes that are connected via a webbing.

What is MOLE damage?

What does mole damage look like?

Large field with mounds of soil in various spots in shape of volcanoes.
  • Moles most often feed on grubs, earthworms, other soil organisms and pest insects.
  • In order to find them, moles often dig about 10″ down below the grass- unlike their doppler the vole who is a vegetarian. Check your soil and lawn for their tunnels.
  • First, you will see the raised mounds at the surface, on top of the lawn.
  • Also, you might see mounds of dirt that are similar looking to volcanoes.
  • Ridges in your lawn are tunnels that are close to the grassy area and indicates mole activity.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and for visiting our website.

For more information or a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103.  You can speak with a trusted professional.  We would like to be your local expert and learn about your current situation. Call us now. Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. is the expert for local humane wildlife trapping and removal– as well as full property restoration, in Lakewood Ranch and surrounding areas. We also serve Bradenton, Sarasota, Parrish, Ellenton and more.

Nuisance Wildlife Control Services [Fishhawk]

Have you seen any prints similar to this around your home?

Nuisance Wildlife Control Services in Fishhawk
Paw print of a Raccoon in the sand. Photo F Sunquist

If yes, you may need Nuisance Wildlife Control Services in Fishhawk, Florida


Raccoons are one of Florida’s most common animals, which are found very often in urbanized spaces. They can be seen in parks,  neighborhoods and on campgrounds. Under most circumstances, they are fun to watch and mostly not harmful as long as they are left alone. The problems arise due to people’s desire to give them food. Being the intelligent animals that raccoons are,  they will eat almost anything. The problem comes in to play when raccoons start thinking of humans as a food source! Raccoons can become enormous nuisances.. they will take the lids off of metal garbage cans, work their way into your porches, garages, and sheds. In fact, it is ILLEGAL to feed a raccoon as per Florida Statute 68A-4.001.

A Raccoon taking food from a Human. Feeding them is illegal.

To discourage problems with these and other nuisance wildlife animals, here are some steps you can take.

  1. Remove fallen fruit from trees.
  2. Eliminate bird seed and nuts from the round
  3. Secure garbage can lids with a bungy or ratchet strap
  4. Do not place garbage outdoors in a simple trash bag, be sure to put it in a can and place it in a garage or enclosed area.
  5. Keep dogs on a leash- or closely watch them to prevent coon encounters.
  6. Secure your pet door nightly, or use a smart door that opens with an electric collar.
  7. Never keep pet food outside.

If there is a raccoon that has become a nuisance animal in your area,  we are licensed professionals. Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your home. 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

Because they may carry  rabies and distemper, any contact with a raccoon puts the individual at risk. Even though they seem warm and fuzzy and approachable,  do not do so. Most rabies outbreaks in Florida are associated with raccoons. Each year, raccoons account for 65% of cases of animal rabies in the state.

Most importantly to any homeowner, however, is to stop these creatures from thinking they can make a den in your home in Fishhawk or surrounding locations. Raccoons are extremely crafty and resourceful as a survival instinct. To protect yourself, your family as well as the animals, please contact us to humanely resolve this issue with the utmost of respect and integrity.

For more information and a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE call us at 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103. We are experts at humanely removing racoons,  and restoring your property.  Thank you for supporting a local, family owned business. 


Do I need Professional Raccoon Removal? [Parrish, FL]

Do I need Professional Raccoon Removal? [Parrish, FL]

This is the last thing you want to encounter….

Raccoon in dark place with bright white eyes.

You might ask, “How might a Raccoon enter my home in Parrish and do I need a Professional to get him out?”

Many things are possible. First of all, a raccoon could investigate a crawl space and use the space to build a nest in and have babies there. If that happens, then a build up of raccoon waste can occur and also structural damage to insulation etc. It is also possible that Raccoons can cause much damage from chewing on electrical wires.  If you hear scratching sounds or chattering sounds above the ceiling tiles in your home, it is time to call a pro! What you do not want is to have the babies fall down into the crack spaces in your walls from the attic. If a baby raccoon falls down there, most likely they will  become trapped. When raccoons are heard and appear to be in such difficult places as this, you should hire a pro.

Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your home. 1-866-263-WILD or 941- 729-2103.

Did you know that Raccoons are common throughout Florida, even in the Keys. You can find them nearly everywhere there is water and shelter.

It is true that Florida raccoons are not as large as raccoons in the North USA.

The adults only weigh 6-20 pounds, the same as a rather large house cat. Their description is that of a bushy tail with brown and black rings going up- and a black bank robbers mask on their face.

Since these animals are so common throughout the state of Florida, it is likely that you will encounter one on your property or in your neighborhood at some point. Its a good idea to keep fruit picked up from your yard and disposed of, as well as keep trash and garbage disposed up as carefully and frequently as possible. If you ever have any questions about whether these animals or any other wildlife has entered your home, please don’t hesitate to call us!

For more information and a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103.  You can speak with a trusted professional. We would like to be your local expert and learn about your current situation. Call us now. We are the experts for humane wildlife trapping and removal as well as full property restoration, in Parrish and surrounding areas. We also serve Fishhawk, St Petersburg, Clearwater, Tampa Bay,  Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, Parrish, Lakewood Ranch, Osprey, Longboat Key, Anna Maria Island, Holmes Beach, Bradenton Beach, Ellenton, Lido Key, Bird Key and all the surrounding areas.




Opossum Removal Lakewood Ranch

If you happen to see something like this on your patio, you may need Opossum removal! [Lakewood Ranch, FL]


Opossum feeding from Pet dish

What is a very big no-no that you can see happening in this image? Well, it appears that the opossum is feeding out of a home owner’s pet dish! Having a pet’s food dish outside is like putting out a broadcast signal to all the wildlife in your area. Free for all! Come and get the food! The problem with that is, that whatever is attracted to the food, will soon be looking for a safe nesting area and they will most likely be checking for entry points into your home or garage. If you see an opossum anywhere in your area and would like to have it trapped and removed in Lakewood Ranch. Give us a call!

Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your home! 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

What does it mean when an opossum plays “possum”?

Well, first of all the Virginia opossum has rather protruding sharp teeth and in appearance could be like something out of a fright movie rather than a living animal. But the opossum is actually not a dangerous one. The phrase to “play possum” is all about “freezing” to the point where the opossum literally falls over, appearing to have passed out or died! This behavior can be involuntary and occurs when the animal is scared. Its body shuts down and the opossum drops over on its side, with its teeth showing ferociously. Further, it can emit a foul smell. This may only last minutes or as much as hours before the opossum is righted again and goes back to its typical activities.

If you should happen to see one, it’s best not to conclude that it is dead. Vacate the outdoor area, including your pets so that the opossum can revive and continue along on its way.

For more information and a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103. We are your expert for humane opossum trapping and removal, as well as property restoration in Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch, Englewood and surrounding areas.

Opossum playing dead.

Opossums usually only come out at night making them nocturnal creatures. As a result they are difficult to find. To find an Opossum, go out in nature at dawn or dusk. To identify if you have had opossum activity around your home or yard, look for any noticeable tracks. Do you have an area with sand? Look for the impressions that the foot would leave. You may even want to photograph any prints and date them to check later to try to identify the animal.

Pocket Guide to Florida Animal Tracks

For more information and a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103. We are your expert for humane opossum trapping, exclusion, and removal as well as property restoration in Lakewood Ranch, Bradenton, Englewood, North Port and surrounding areas. Call us or contact us via our website service request form today!!

Spring in Florida

Spring in Florida

You may have been asking, does Florida even have seasons?

The answer is yes, and many think that SPRING is the best season in Florida! Starting up about March, spring time usually provides cool nights, warm days and lower humidity. The time to open the windows and enjoy fresh air. A day at the beach could easily be an all day occasion, as long as you don’t mind some crowds. In the spring, lots of guests arrive and tourists to the Sunshine state. The Snowbirds have not yet made their way back North and the Spring Breakers pay a visit.

Just as in the North, spring brings to life plants and some animals. If there were cold-ish nights in the winter and some of the plants lost leaves, new growth can begin now.  You can actually discern some of the trees and plants getting greener in color. Oak and pine trees start to throw off pollen, causing problems for those with allergies.

Spring time in Columbia Cty, FL. Just west of Ft White, at the Ichetucknee to O’Leno Trail.

Here are some things different that happen with animals in the spring in Florida:


  • Migrating birds from Central and South America visit the state.
  • Mourning doves nest now through November.
  • Carolina wrens are nesting now.
  • Mangrove cuckoos return to the Keys.
  • Summer tanagers and great-crested flycatchers arrive to breed.
  • Swallow tailed kites return to south Florida wetlands.
  • Listen for newly-returned chuck-will’s-widows calling after sunset.
  • Plant columbine, coral bean, and other wildflowers to attract hummingbirds.
  • Wild turkey and quail begin breeding in central and north Florida.
  • Quail are breeding in many parts of the state


  • Look for red foxes emerging from remote beaches.
  • Last chance to see manatee concentrations in the Caloosahatchee River this winter.
  • Striped skunks are fighting over mates – watch out!


  • Male frogs and toads move to ponds, streams, and ditches to breed during rainy nights

Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your home. 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.


  • Snakes become active and move to favorite feeding areas


  • Gulf of Mexico Sturgeon spawn in the Suwannee River during the spring or early summer.
  • Largemouth bass spawning throughout central and north Florida
  • Redear sunfish begin bedding in central Florida
  • White bass run up the Ochlockonee River above Lake Talquin.

Hunting and Fishing

  • Spring turkey hunters take to the field

Plants & Trees

  • Chicksaw plum and crabapples bloom in north Florida
  • Bromeliads flower in south Florida

Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your home. 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

Some information taken from UF Florida Wildlife Extension