Sarasota, FL How to Prevent Mole Infestations in the First Place

How to Prevent Mole Infestations in the First Place!

In order to prevent mole infestations in the first place, one must understand why the moles are there. First of all a moles’ main source of food is worms. So you must make your yard most unfriendly and inhospitable as possible to worms,  and subsequently moles. To do this, you can use products that control worms, grubs and insects in the lawn so that Mr mole does not have any food sources at your place, and will have to keep moving on!  Also, moles and worms like a softer, and damp earth so avoid OVER-WATERING your lawn. A deep watering once a week should be enough to keep your lawn going strong without laying out the welcome matt for moles. So, what else can I do?

To prevent moles from getting into specific areas of your yard and garden, there are a couple things you can do.

Many professionals recommend installing metal mesh hardware cloth down as far as 2′ vertically plus adding 6 inches more above the ground.  Also since moles prefer a less dense earth, bury rocks around your special flower beds down to 2 feet to prevent them from being able to make their way down into the grass!

If you are not a professional wildlife control specialist, you should also check local regulation prior to beginning trapping.  If mole trapping is banned in your state, you must seek other alternatives. Be especially carefully using any poison or rodenticide as the accidental number of poisonings for pets and children has been on the increase lately, according to Consumer

Would you like help with your mole problem? Call today to talk with a trusted professional.  For a free evaluation call 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103. 



By Rasbak – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Since the tunneling of moles will destroy the roots of your grass, the ridges will then brown quickly. The sooner that you can stop the tunneling of the moles, the less damage that they can cause.

Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc is very well known in the community as the GO-TO expert with the highest experience level in solving difficult nuisance infestations efficiently and easily. We employ advanced technology such as Thermographic cameras and Go-pro technology. This reduces the amount of damage to your structure and this can reduce the overall cost of your project!

Worried about Moles? Call 1-866-263-WILD today!

Or easily contact us by clicking here. 

To read our post: FUN FACTS ABOUT MOLES – click here.

To read our post: Do I Have Moles in My Yard? – click here


Nuisance Wildlife Removal Inc
1329 10th Street East Palmetto, Florida 34221
(941) 729-2103

Lakewood Ranch, FL Do I Have Moles in My Yard?

If you are seeing mounds of dirt piled up… on top of your lawn– it could be because of a mole.

Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. is your local expert for mole removal in Manatee County. Call today to talk with a professional wildlife technician. For a fast and FREE estimate call 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

Moles are small mammals adapted to an underground lifestyle. They have cylinder shaped bodies, velvety fur, tiny and hard to detect eyes and ears. Their hindlimbs are quite small relative to their front limbs that have large paws which are adapted for digging. Did you know they can dig at approximately 18 feet per hour? They usually feed on assorted insect pests, including earthworms, grubs and other tiny creatures that live in the soil. When you see a mound of dirt on your lawn from a Mole, it is because he is on the hunt for survival! Mole tunnels are usually 10 inches underground, unless they are just surface scanning looking for a mate. Then they would be nearer to the top of the lawn. Actually moles could be called the super heroes of digging! Their deep tunnels can be anywhere from two inches to five feet underground. However, it should be noted that the quantity of mounds in your yard does not necessarily correspond to the number of moles in your yard.


By Rasbak – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. is your expert for mole removal in Sarasota County. Call today to talk with a professional wildlife technician. For a fast and FREE estimate call 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

Since the tunneling of moles will destroy the roots of your grass, the ridges will then brown quickly. The sooner that you can stop the tunneling of the moles, the less damage that they can cause.

MOLE TIP #1 – How do I know if I have an active mound in my yard?

You can locate an active mound by pushing down on the raised areas of soil. Then, the next day, note which ridges have been raised up again.

You may be wondering, do moles bite?

Moles can bite, however, since they generally do not carry rabies,  a mole bite isn’t normally any reason to be concerned. If you have been bitten by a mole, it is important to clean it out and disinfect the area immediately so that the area does not become infected. If you should happen to have redness and swelling, this should not cause alarm as that would be normal.

Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc is very well known in the community as the GO-TO expert with the highest experience level in solving difficult nuisance infestations efficiently and easily. We employ advanced technology such as Thermographic cameras and Go-pro technology. This reduces the amount of damage to your structure and this can reduce the overall cost of your project!

Worried about Moles? Call 1-866-263-WILD today!


Nuisance Wildlife Removal Inc
1329 10th Street East Palmetto, Florida 34221
(941) 729-2103

Fun Facts About Moles

Fun Facts About Moles

  1. Moles have voracious appetites. –Did you know that if a mole is deprived of food, it may die of starvation in just a few hours?
  2. Moles are not entirely solitary creatures. –Did you know that Moles will fight to the death to defend their territory? But, many times, they do not live by themselves.
  3. Moles do not always make molehills. –If you see a mound of dirt near the opening of a mole burrow, all that is telling you is that the soil is soft and easy to dig up. If the soil is more firm, the Mole will make smaller piles more frequently around the “doors” to their home.
  4. Moles like it quiet. –They build their highways where food is present and noise is not. Since the Mole is dependent upon its ability to hear an earthworm moving upward from below the tunnel, or downward from above the tunnel, it really requires a rather quiet locale. If there is heavy equipment around that is likely to make them move to another place.
  5. Lawns that have Bermuda grass have stronger resistance to moles. The reason being is that Bermuda puts out longer shooter strands, up to two meters (6 feet) away from the individual blades of grass across the top of the ground. This causes much more tension and the moles can not get around very easily.


Everything about moles is not that bad.

If they are present in conservative numbers, moles can be desirable for killing grubs in the lawn. Grubs kill grass and young shrubs. A white grub is usually just an appetizer to the main attraction for the mole which is the earthworm.

Also soil gets moved around quite a bit with mole activity. Their tunneling causes the soil to be moved and aerated, and carries nutrients deeper into the earth. They carry mineral-rich material up to the surface and that makes more nutrients available to plants. So that is, in fact, a very good thing. If you have just a few moles that aren’t killing plants or causing eyesores you may decide to just live and let them live.

However if you have concern of a more serious matter, call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your property. 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

Do I have Moles in my Yard? [Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch]

How do I recognize mole activity in my lawn?


The two most common signs of mole activity are raised ridge areas in lawns and the typical molehill. If you see these on your lawn, you should call a professional service. If you wait, the problem will just intensify and become more complicated and more costly. Nuisance Wildlife Removal Inc. is your local expert for mole trapping and removal in Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch, Bradenton and surrounding areas. We can give you a free inspection and let you know if the issue is being caused by moles or not. The raised areas or ridges on the lawn, are caused by the moles tunneling through the lawn, just below the surface of the ground. The mole-hills that are shaped like a small mountain or cone are formed by the dirt that a mole digs out from creating his den and living chambers. If you see this in your lawn, it could be a sign that you have moles and need to have them trapped and removed. Below is a video that shows a mole tunneling close to the surface. You can see his movement and the trails his activity causes.


Big Problems that Moles Cause

Moles can truly be a big issue for the homeowner. Their tunneling can damage lawns and their root systems which cause the grass to dry out and die. The mole behavior can also kill roots of plants, flowers etc causing the plants to die or become damaged. Moles actively are in search of food day and night all year round. It is possible that a mole can tunnel up to 100 feet in one day – which is the equivalent of 15 feet per hour. This is why we recommend eradicating moles immediately– as soon as you see the onset of mole activity. The more tunnels that there are, the more traps that have to be set in order to locate the moles! 100 feet of tunnels in one day times 5 days= 500′ of tunnels… thats a LOT of traps!

Thank you for taking the time to read our post.

Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your property!

1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

For more information, visit our wildlife services page on moles here: Mole Removal Services

Moles– What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Them?

Moles– What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Them?

Today I’d like to talk to you about moles. Eastern moles in yards, we get a lot of calls on them. They get up underneath the roots of a grass and they eat the young roots of the grass and plants. Their main feast is the grubs and earthworms, mostly grubs. I just wanted to talk a little bit about protecting your home from having moles, and what you should do if you do have them.

First thing we need to do is talk about preventing your yard from getting moles. Pretty simple thing is to treat your yard once a year with grub bait. Make sure that you treat it in a cooler part of the day where the sun’s not up, and put about 20 minutes of water on it. That’s going to prevent UV rays from tearing up the chemical, it’s going to get good and saturated into the ground.

Another thing you got to worry about is … I find a lot in these housing developments that there’s a swell between the two yards, and someone’s over watering. What happens is it makes it real moist, so these grubs are coming up to the top, the moles are getting in there, and so are the armadillos. You just got to treat these areas and watch your water conditions in those areas. We like recommending a chemical called trichlorfon, or Dylox. Bayer has it in a once a year grub bait, and that seems to work pretty good. About $20 a bag, a bag will do an average size lot in a housing development.

If you get moles, little bit of a different story. You’re going to need to trap the moles and get them out. Get those moles out, simply removing the food source once moles are established is not going to fix the problem. You need to not only [nich 00:02:43] the food source, but you need to nich the moles and get them trapped, and get them out. That’s a pretty effective way of doing it. Not real cheap, and the best thing I can tell you is, do not wait until they are a huge problem, thinking that one or two moles is going to go away. They’re not going to go away, and the more damage they do, the more damage your yard is going to have, and the more costly it’s going to be when you do call me to come out and get them. 

Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your home. [Fishhawk, Bradenton, Sarasota, Parrish other surrounding areas]  1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

A lot of times it gets in situations where we don’t even know where the moles are, because there’s so many mounds. So what we have to do is roll the yard, which is an added expense of taking a roller across the yard and smashing everything down, and then waiting a day or two to get these mole mounds to come back up and kind of get a location on where the moles are. Where we’re going in the yard are these feeding tunnels or these highway tunnels, and we have to get our bearings with that. A lot of times you incur a extra expense of rolling the yard if you’ve let it go too long.

Mole trapping is very labor intensive. You’re digging holes, into the burrows, into the tunnels, and placing traps in there so when you go to come back to check the traps, again you have to unbury them, check them, put the soil back on, and go like that. Very labor intensive, definitely costs more when more labor’s involved, so the quicker you get on it the quicker you’re going to cure a problem.

That’s about it. Dylox once a year, or trichlorfon. Pest control guy years ago, Don O’Brien, gave me that tip and it’s worked great ever since. Treat your yard with that once a year, that’s going to help prevent them. If you do get them then call us on the first onsights of them so you’re not spending more money trying to track down a whole bunch of different mole hills in your yard.

If you’d like for us to come out and give you a free estimate you can call us at 866-263-9453 or you can catch us on the web at Hope this helps, and check our other podcasts and videos for other helpful tips. Have a good one.

For more information and a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103.  You can speak with a trusted professional. We would like to be your local expert and learn about your current situation. Call us now. We are the experts for humane wildlife trapping and removal as well as full property restoration, in Fishhawk, Bradenton and surrounding areas. 


What are Moles? [Lakewood Ranch Mole Trapper]

mole-removal-polk county
A mole who has come up from his tunnel into the daylight.

What are MOLES?

Moles live in the ground and prefer to eat insects as opposed to plants in your garden. But, the tunnels they create underground virtually CAN wreck your garden and/or your lawn as well. A side effect of mole damage is that this creates more easy access to your lovely garden for other rodents. If you suspect any mole damage in your yard in Lakewood Ranch feel free to get with us for a free estimate on trapping. Moles are sort of bizarre small creatures who have pointed muzzle, itty bitty eyes and a body strangely shaped similar to a baking potato. When they move– they use their front flipper-like feet to paw forward in a swimming motion, which parts the soil. They can be active year round in many climates, and usually get busy moving in the morning or evening. Also, if there has been a warm rain, you are likely to see them out and about.

Call Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. today, to humanely solve your wildlife problems, and wildlife proof your home. 1-866-263-WILD or 941-729-2103.

A very distinct characteristic of the mole is their hairless and pointed nose or snout. Additionally, they have such small eyes and ears and those are hidden behind a layer of fur. They do not have external ears. Their front feet are large compared to their body with toes that are connected via a webbing.

What is MOLE damage?

What does mole damage look like?

Large field with mounds of soil in various spots in shape of volcanoes.
  • Moles most often feed on grubs, earthworms, other soil organisms and pest insects.
  • In order to find them, moles often dig about 10″ down below the grass- unlike their doppler the vole who is a vegetarian. Check your soil and lawn for their tunnels.
  • First, you will see the raised mounds at the surface, on top of the lawn.
  • Also, you might see mounds of dirt that are similar looking to volcanoes.
  • Ridges in your lawn are tunnels that are close to the grassy area and indicates mole activity.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and for visiting our website.

For more information or a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103.  You can speak with a trusted professional.  We would like to be your local expert and learn about your current situation. Call us now. Nuisance Wildlife Removal, Inc. is the expert for local humane wildlife trapping and removal– as well as full property restoration, in Lakewood Ranch and surrounding areas. We also serve Bradenton, Sarasota, Parrish, Ellenton and more.