Nonnative Wildlife In Florida

Green Iguana

South American Animal Kingdom Has Moved To Florida

The powers that be in Marco Island Florida hired a wildlife trapper six months ago to catch and kill their nuisance Iguanas. There are a list of complaints. They dedicate in pools.  Eat up shrubs and flowers. They are able to undermine foundations and seawalls. The State of Florida requires the trapper to kill them because they are a nonnative species, and as such, cannot be released back into the wild once captured.



There Is More Than Meets The Eye With Nonnative Species

Iguanas are just one example of non-native species in Florida becoming a nuisance.

Brown Anole
Brown Anole

Some others are:

  • armadillos
  • foxes
  • hogs
  • rats and mice
  • European rabbit

That is just some of the mammals that have made it into the Florida ecosystem.

The reptiles on the list include:

Don’t know what an Anole is? Ever seen those cute little lizards that stand on the side of a tree and make their throat stick out to warn others and attract a mate?

We won’t even get into the debate here about Africanized Honey Bees in Florida.

 What Does Belong In The Florida Wildlife Kingdom?

Here is a good idea of how diverse Florida wildlife really is without all the nonnative species moving in on our territory.

The point is that practically everything in Florida is nonnative, including most of the people.

Our job here at Nuisance Wildlife Removal is to trap and remove the animals and insects that have become nuisances to people. Now you know why we can’t just move some species to another location and let them go.


CALL 866-263-WILD (9453)

Stack Guard

Stack Guard Is A Great Idea To Keep Out Unwanted Animals

Wildlife can keep finding their way into homes and businesses. It only takes one access point for small animals to enter any dwelling. So, how do you prevent this? Stack Guard.Stack Guard will prevent pests from entering your home or business through plumbing vents.

It Just Makes Good Preventive Sense

Stack Guard can prevent damage from nuisance wildlife. Typically, wildlife chews on flashing used to make the stack, leaving holes and the potential for more problems including water damage to your structure.
We now can stop these entryways to your home and business.

Your plumbing vent without Stack-Guard

As the only Wildlife Control Professional buying directly from the manufacturer, we have complete access to their full line of products.

Call today to schedule your wildlife home inspection and find out how Stack Guard can help save you money on future repairs.


866-263-WILD (9453)