Why do I have Armadillos in my yard?
In this post, we will talk about the question “Why do I have Armadillos in my yard?” This will address Armadillo control and removal in Sarasota and surrounding areas.

The most common question I am asked when on an Armadillo job is, “Why my yard and not the neighbors?” Well that’s an easy question to answer, YOU have a food source and your neighbors don’t. Actually, you have a primary issue of “grubs” in your yard- and the Armadillo is a secondary issue. When I give this answer many people respond with: “But I have a company that sprays my lawn!” Well I hate to tell you this, either they are not spraying for grubs or they just may not be a good reputable company.
“Well, we use the same company as our neighbors, yet they don’t have this problem.” Ok this is where it gets tricky… you might water more or possibly your lawn is lower than the neighbors making it hold more moisture. Or you have brought plants or mulch in that were already infected with grubs and they have now infested your yard. Bottom line is you have to get control of grubs in your yard!
Controlling grubs.
The best way we have found to control grubs is using a chemical called Triclorfon or DYLOX is another name for this granular product.

It is available at Home Depot or Lowes. Use per directions… water in with 1/2 inch of water immediately as it is UV sensitive. I suggest doing it on an evening as it has more time to soak in and not evaporate. Treat all areas including flower beds but keep away from hibiscus. Remember to keep a little extra to treat plants or mulch you might bring in later. Even if your plants are in a pot treat them because you want to make your yard a sterile environment, for a lack of better words, so any soil, plants, mulch that you bring into your yard gets treated… This should be done once a year, and this will resolve your grub problem.
Now you still have to trap and remove the armadillos (They won’t just go away) but long term you should not have any problems!
GOT ARMADILLOS? Call 1-866-263 WILD!
Nuisance Wildlife Removal Inc is fully licensed and insured. We are a locally and family-owned business that has been operating in Manatee and Sarasota county for 20 years. We are the real experts and have the experience to prove it. Call today to speak with a trusted professional.