Rat and Mouse Removal at Lakewood Ranch, Florida

In 1972, there was a rather macabre box office hit called, “Ben.” Michael Jackson performed the hit song that is still available on internet music channels. The story goes that “Ben” was the son of an actual rat named “Willard.” The plot revolves around a slightly reclusive teenager who befriends Ben and his rodent colleagues to form an alliance. Oddly enough, the movie did an excellent job of personifying the rats and actually conveying a human/animal chemistry that was sad but very far-fetched.
Whether you appreciated the movie or not, the truth remains that rats are harmful rodents that carry diseases and spread germs. They are even very capable of biting and contracting and spreading rabies epidemics. Therefore, it’s pretty practical to realize that whereas “Ben” and “Willard” were personified rats that entertained movie goers, it is obvious that we as humans need to keep these rodents — and their smaller counterparts, mice — in the movies and out of our homes and communities!
Lakewood Ranch
Although Lakewood Ranch is an award-winning, master-planned community, there is no community that is absolutely immune to rat, mouse, and other rodent invasions. Please be assured that you are not and will not be the only resident in any community that has ever exclaimed, “Get rats out of my house!”

Wildlife and rodent removal services use efficient, professional, and humane forms of mouse removal, rat trapping, and rat removal. The use of messy and dangerous-to-humans traps and poisons is risky and unnecessary when these services are very affordable and efficacious.
Lakewood Ranch community will continue to thrive and therefore, these furry little pesky creatures will always be attracted to the amenities. Contact your local wildlife removal service today for a free estimate for mouse removal, rat removal, and the quickest way to say, “Get rats out of my house!” These professionals can convince every rat and mouse to not only go away, but also to stay away.
For more information and a FREE INSPECTION/ESTIMATE in Lakewood Ranch, Bradenton, Sarasota or surrounding areas, please Call 1-866-263-WILD or (941)729-2103. We are your expert for humane and technologically advanced mouse and rat trapping and removal.