How to Get a Bird Out of a House

Every once in a while, a bird will get into a house. It can be a real nuisance, flittering around from place to place not knowing where to go. The first thing you should probably do is to remove any animals/pets into a separate area of your home. The reason being is that pets tend to love to chase wild things, and that will certainly not be of help to you in resolving the problem. Then go ahead and close off any other areas or rooms so as to isolate the bird into one area. Next what you want to do is to darken the inside of your home by covering up and windows, pulling down shades, drawing curtains, etc. The reason being is that birds will fly toward light– so you should keep only one window/or door open for the bird to escape through.
The birds who are most frequent to get indoors are sparrows. It is most likely that if you see any bird inside a grocery store or other big box store, that’s what it is. If enough inhabit the store, they can get to nesting and start up a real colony of birds there. It can get ugly pretty quickly if that happens. The birds will eat anything they can get ahold of and drink water from anywhere it is available.
If the bird does not exit your home or commercial building, it would be best to have the issue handled by a professional. Birds are fragile and can die of too much stress or too many impacts against the glass trying to escape.